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Transforming our stories through dance and theatre

There is a storyteller in our heads, weaving threads of our experience into the stories we live by. Our personal myths give meaning and answer the question: ‘who am I and what is my place in this world.’ While some stories are full of adventure, others are repetive or lack a clear storyline. Compromises, distractions and stress can all collapse the arc of our story. There is however a way to re-write our life stories.


Life writes its stories in our bodies, which shows in the way we hold our selves and move through the world. Conscious movement, such as the 5Rhythms, offer ways to directly work with our history.


The 5Rhythms have 5 phases or rhythms that take movers on a journey of tuning in (flowing), expressing (staccato), surrendering (chaos), expanding (lyrical) and being (stillness). For this workshop the 5rhythms will be adapted to a 5 stage story structure. Dance will be mixed with bits of theatre to move our stories and those of others. We’ll explore key moments in our stories and see if we can change the script by stretching our identity to include roles that help us move towards growth and fulfillment and say goodbye to old characters that no longer serve us.



  • 9 June 2017 Open Class

  • 10 & 11 June 2017 Workshop



  • Friday 18.30 - 21.30

  • Saturday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)

  • Sunday 10.00 - 17.00 (incl. lunchbreak)





  • Friday only €25 (payment at door)

  • Sat & Sun €150 / EARLY BIRD PRICE €135

  • Fri - Sun €170 / EARLY BIRD PRICE €150


All prices include VAT. EARLY BIRD PRICE is valid until 15 May 2017.


* please let us know if you want to join and the workshop fee lies beyond your present capabilities.


Subscription through Ianthe de Paepe ( or press the big red button below to go there. 

Léon Beckx is a certified 5Rhythms movement facilitator and has been teaching the 5Rhythms since 2008. Léon grew up with martial arts and hip hop and has a professional background in psychology and community building. In his workshops and classes Léon includes inspirations from other movement practices such as instant composition, theater and the field of somatics. His teaching style is experimental and subtle with much focus on our bodies innate intelligence.


All of Léon's classes & workshops count as Wave hours for the 5Rhythms Teacher Training / is licensed under a Creative Commons. Share and adapt under the following termsWebdesign: Léon Beckx

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